If you purchased your tool prior to that date you would have had 18 months of free software updates - if your updates have expired, by purchasing this update package your tool will be moved onto 'lifetime' updates, and you will regain access to the update servers. Tools purchased after July 3rd 2017, or within an active subscription period on that date, now come with free 'lifetime' software updates! Please note, if you have an NT644 tool (All systems, All makes plus service & EPB) you need to purchase this update instead. Foxwell NT643 - All systems, European (French & Italian) makes plus service & EPB.Foxwell NT642 - All systems, European (British, German, Scandinavian) makes plus service & EPB.Foxwell NT641 - All systems, Asian makes plus service & EPB.Foxwell NT640 - All systems, American makes plus service & EPB.Foxwell NT630 - Airbag & ABS systems, All makes.Foxwell NT623 - All systems, European (French & Italian) makes.Foxwell NT622 - All systems, European (British, German, Scandinavian) makes.Foxwell NT621 - All systems, Asian makes.Foxwell NT620 - All systems, American makes.Foxwell NT613 - 4 systems, European (French & Italian) makes.Foxwell NT612 - 4 systems, European (British, German, Scandinavian) makes.Foxwell NT610 - 4 systems, American makes.This update is compatible with the following tools: This is a Foxwell update package for the NT61x, NT62x & NT630 diagnostic scanners, and all of the NT64x scanners except the NT644.

If you purchase this update it will enable a tool with an expired registration to access the latest available updates, but you will not receive updates for newer models going forward. Foxwell have committed to releasing bugfix updates for 3 years, but will not be adding coverage for newer models. Please note - The tools supported by this update weres discontinued in the middle of 2019, at which time vehicle coverage went up to approx.