
Intellectual disability cognitive assessment
Intellectual disability cognitive assessment

intellectual disability cognitive assessment intellectual disability cognitive assessment

The key search terms included intellectual disability, neurodevelopmental disability, tests for cognitive function, tests for adaptive function, genetics of intellectual disability, and treatment of intellectual disability.

intellectual disability cognitive assessment

We included original research as well as systematic reviews and meta-analysis type of articles. In addition to PubMed, we also consulted standard textbooks. Our search was limited to English language publications. Methods: We conducted a literature search (2005-2020) using online database PubMed, specifically for studies related to the clinical aspects of intellectual disability as they apply to practice, with specific relevant to children and adolescents. Our objective is to provide practice relevant narrative review of definitions, evaluation and principles of treatment for persons with intellectual disability. With early recognition and appropriate support systems, most persons with intellectual disability can live healthy and productive life. The prevalence of intellectual disability is 1% in the general population. Policy of Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconductīackground and Objective: Intellectual disability is clinically recognized in childhood and adolescence by deficits in cognitive and adaptive abilities.Policy of Screening for Plagiarism Process.

Intellectual disability cognitive assessment